Virtual Reading Tutor (contractor) ID-3289
A pioneer in K-12 education since 2000, Amplify is leading the way in next-generation curriculum and assessment. Our core and supplemental programs in ELA, math, and science engage all students in rigorous learning and inspire them to think deeply, creatively, and for themselves. Our formative assessment products help teachers identify the targeted instruction students need to build a strong foundation in early reading and math. All of our programs provide educators with powerful tools that help them understand and respond to the needs of every student. Today, Amplify serves more than 10 million students in all 50 states. For more information, visit
Amplify Tutoring is seeking remote, part-time Virtual Reading Tutors to provide small-group literacy tutoring for students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade during the 2024-2025 School Year.
**We are currently prioritizing tutors who have availability during the following days/times: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7-10am Central/8-11am Eastern
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- Minimum High School diploma or equivalent.
- Fluent English speaker.
- Comfortable and highly skilled with technology.
- Available at least 90 minutes a day, 3 days a week (M-F) at consistent times during the school day (ex. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10:00-11:30). Must be available Wednesdays.
- Have access to a personal laptop or computer with a webcam and microphone (Chromebooks, iPads/tablets, and smart phones cannot be used for this role).
- Enjoys working with Kindergarten-Sixth Grade students.
- Willing to accept and implement ongoing coaching and feedback.
- Interested in participating in professional development and learning opportunities to help students meet their reading goals.
Compensation: Tutors will be employed and paid via a 3rd party staffing agency as a W2 contracted employee. Tutors are compensated for each 30-minute tutoring session as well as 30 minutes of lesson preparation time for each tutoring session held. Tutors are also compensated for their initial training and ongoing professional development throughout the year. The compensation for this role is $18 per hour for delivery of tutoring sessions and $15 per hour for lesson preparation and professional development.
Background Checks: If selected, fingerprinting and background checks will be required. Tutors cannot work with students prior to clearance. Initial fingerprinting costs can range from $0-$150. Tutors are reimbursed for costs associated with fingerprinting.
Equipment: Curriculum is provided to the tutor. Tutors must be able to supply their own laptop/computer, with webcam and microphone, that can be used during their tutoring assignment and/or during professional development activities and meetings. Chromebooks, iPads/tablets, and smart phones cannot be used for this role.
Location: This is a remote part-time position. All candidates must be physically residing within the United States and meet U.S. employment eligibility requirements. Tutors should have a private, quiet location free from distractions to work from.
Scheduling: Tutors can request to work between 9 to 39 hours per week. Most tutors work between 9 and 15 hours per week during the school year. Tutoring sessions are conducted exclusively on weekdays, with no weekend classes. Each tutoring assignment lasts approximately 15 weeks. We ask our tutors to commit to the assigned tutoring group for the entire duration. Amplify works to fill each tutor's desired number of hours, however, we cannot guarantee immediate work at the volume requested, as this is highly dependent on the tutor's availability matching ongoing tutoring program needs. Tutoring sessions are held according to individual school schedules and may be affected by school closures (ex. holidays, state and local testing, weather, etc.).
Lesson Planning and Delivery: Planning and delivering tutoring lessons are the foundation of our work. Tutoring sessions are delivered using our structured research-based curriculum. Tutors are compensated for both planning and delivering their tutoring sessions.
Culture and Community: At Amplify, we truly value our tutors. We provide various resources like professional training and supportive coaching to help them get better at what they do. We also have online platforms for tutors to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other.
Apply: Submit your application by creating an account on our Career Page.
Screening: Fill out a screening survey to ensure this is the right role for you.
Interview: Complete a one-way interview designed to showcase your experience and educational knowledge. The interview portion is intended to replicate a face-to-face interview and can be completed in about 15 minutes.
Hiring Decision:Please complete the application and interview as soon as possible.
Onboarding: If you're chosen to join our team, we'll ask you to do two things through our 3rd party staffing agency:
- Fill out paperwork, including tax documents, I9 verification, and a contractor agreement for tutors.
- Complete a national background check.
Training:Once you have cleared your onboarding you will complete the following within your first 2 weeks:
- A paid training course to learn how to navigate Amplify platforms and materials (approx. 20 hours).
- Complete one or more background checks that require fingerprinting. It can take anywhere from 2 to 6+ weeks for your fingerprints to be processed, depending on the assigned state or school district.
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, Education, or related field